ClimateCoAction Summit (english version)
You couldn't make it to the event? See here how it was!
Please note: Due to the current Covid19 developments, on-site participation is cancelled. However, the speaker will still be at the venue to be streamed from there and the event will take place virtually as planned.
Transformation (made) in Europe
- You think the need for climate protection is beyond question?
- Together we are stronger, and you want to get things going?
- You want to learn about sustainability projects from all over Europe and want to get to know the people behind them?
- You want to know how concrete steps for a transformation of the existing system towards a livable future for people and planet can look like?
Then be part of the ClimateCoAction Summit – the Youth congress on Climate & Europe!
When: 20 November 2021
Where: Online
Who: People from all over Europe who care for the climate
Together for a climate-just world
One week after the expected end of COP26 in Glasgow, we welcome you to join the discussion with decision maker and young people from all over Europe about the upcoming climate and societal change: to gain knowledge and insight, to strengthen networking and empowerment and to feel being part of a worldwide community.
- Good practice examples from all over Europe will whet the appetite for climate protection at work and in everyday life.
- Inspiring, top-notch speakers will engage the participants and initiate change.
- Scientifically, politically, and economically oriented discussions highlight the diverse facets of the topic of sustainability.
- In exchange and coaction with involved and interested people, innovators and pioneers, the striving for a more climate-friendly world is to become real change.
The main programme will be translated into English and in each workshop block, there will be a session in English.
The programme at a glance (subject to change)
Click here for the timetable and the description of what is going to happen at the summit in detail and click here to get to know our speakers.
How does change happen? How can it be initiated; how does it remain? And what can each person do individually to shape the transformation? What is the importance of the EU in climate protection and how do the local and European levels intertwine? These and other exciting questions will be discussed at the ClimateCoAction Summit.
- In the opening keynote, Michael Bloss MEP will give an overview and a political classification of where Europe stands in climate protection
- This will be followed by a short input by EU climate ambassador Prof. Dr. Marc Ringel and a discussion on the European Green Deal between Thekla Walker, Minister for the Environment in Baden-Wurttemberg, Michael Bloss MEP, Prof. Dr. Marc Ringel, a representative of Klimadelegation e.V. and Torsten Kallweit, CTO at Bosch Climate Solutions GmbH and Head of EHS and Sustainability at Robert Bosch GmbH.
- Several workshops around good practice examples from all over Europe invite the participants to get inspired, to interact and to network with each other on site or virtually.
- In the evening, there will be a second round on the podium where decision-makers will discuss with young people and change agents how change can become a reality at European and local level.
Art and Social Media
Besides the excellent programme at the ClimateCoActionSummit, the congress offers an inspiring side programme. The poetry slammer Melis, member of the Muslim artist collective "i,Slam", will performance on climate protection.
All day long you'll be able to participate in our two art actions, virtually:
Mouna will bring an artistic approach to the topic of climate justice. Together with or rather through you, an artistic project will be created: At the pulse of the earth. Heart to heart. Each for themselves and all together.
David and Ögunc will create a sound installation together with you. The online participants should take a moment to listen; differently. They will record the sounds of their environment and these will be spontaneously interwoven with samples from Garage229 to create a soundscape that will accompany parts of the event during the day and create a link between the two worlds. Heart to heart.
And Jan introduces foodsharing and explains how you can also participate in the fair sharing of food.
Networking / Profiles
The ClimateCoAction Summit is meant to be a place for networking. For this reason, initiatives, projects, and people with good ideas who are looking for networking or supporters have the opportunity to fill out a profile / fact sheet (this works best with Adobe Acrobat) and introduce themselves - even without participating in the Summit. You can find the form in the download section. Just download it, fill it out and send it back to carolin@wewws.de. The profile will be put up at the venue on the day of the event and will be available online. Please make sure you have the image rights if you use a photo.
Be part of climate coaction!
Be part of this motivating and path-breaking event. Your participation makes the difference – because each one of us is a powerhouse of change.
Good to know
The ClimateCoAction Summit is organised by the youth initiative of the sustainability strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg and Europe Direct Stuttgart. Venue is the digital space. If you are going to participate virtually, we will send you a small care package for some summit feeling at home. Please make sure to sign up early, so the package arrives in time.
Get in touch!
If you have any questions or thoughts that you would like to share with us, please send an email to Carolin and Carina: carolin@wewws.de or call +49 (0) 711 / 259 717 23.
Registration for the ClimateCoAction Summit
- Declaration of Consent (PDF)
- General Terms and Conditions (PDF)
- Logo ClimateCoAction Summit 2021 (PNG)
- Instagram ClimateCoAction Summit (JPEG)
- Profile for Orgainsations, initiatives etc. (PDF)
- Hygiene concept (PDF)
- Profile_EYEN
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